Building the Ultimate Cat Super Highway, Phase 1

1 minute read

The kitty construction crew is at it again! This post is dedicated to building the ultimate cat super highway for our new summer home. We haven’t closed yet, but I have my eye set on a few places and I’ve already taken measurements. As usual, budget is always aspirational and unlimited. Let’s dream big, we’ll bargin shop for it later.

The cat super highway will have 4 major components.

  1. One Entry
  2. One Exit
  3. Multiple resting places
  4. Relevant location

It’s important there be a separate entrance and exit on the super highway. We always have at least two cats. It’s a territory thing.

Read more tips on catifying your home from Jackson Galaxy

I not only like, I really like the Lotus line from RefinedFeline for many parts of this project. It’s the wood line, and has a much larger variety of styles. The largest, the Lotus Branch, is a beautiful, graceful curving shelf that can accomodate multiple cats at once.

The Lotus cat tower made the list of the non ugly cat trees, but we couldn’t find enough floor space at the apartment in the city.

I want to build the family room at our summer house as a shared space for the cats and humans. That means couches, television, internet for the people. And, for the cats, the highway plus all their favorite cat toys and some nice, ergonomic, cat dishes. As well as a few rest areas along the road.

Plus, we are going to be adding a Nest Camera for the second home because we won’t always be there. Read about cameras for the summer home.

The lotus cat tower is a great companion piece, allowing easy access from the ground up to the wall shelves. I’m planning a fairly eloborate cat super highway for the summer home and the cat tower plays a central role!

The Lotus cat tower will server as entrance one. For the exit, I want something a little more challenging. We will tackle the exit ramp, well exit stairs, and the final touches in phase 2. Subscribe to keep up-to-date.